“Tama, your version of ACIM truly resonates for me. There’s lots of ACIM out there. But I love YOUR delivery and the individual people in your groups!!! I’m glad I held out, instead of settling, and I got what matches me not just down to my bones, but to the toenails too! Woohoo….. Yah! Thank you!!!”
I'm so grateful I joined your Course in Miracles class. Last night literally reignited my soul. I was thrilled to see so many people on the screen basking in each other's brilliance. Not surprisingly, your energy and love come through the screen just as well as it does in person.
I normally take the classes after they are recorded since I’m not available the day of the class. I am learning how to live a better life and remain grounded in Spirit. I am so enjoying this gift of you, Tama.
After countless hours of therapy and thousands of pages reading about healing, Tama, I gotta say YOU finally have given me the tools to shift the old paradigm!
When I first saw the title of your book and class, I was highly skeptical that anyone could "thrive through uncertainty".... But let me tell you what I sheepishly whispered to my breakout group last night... "I AM!" I have experienced some of the most joyful, loving, connected, and open-hearted moments of my life - and I can feel relationships being healed, perspectives changing from fear to love, and (for the first time in my life) I have a growing faith that Love is ever-present!
I can’t believe - no scratch that - I do believe how far I traveled since starting your course just 8 weeks ago. I moved from 'dare I do this?' to 'I am doing this' -- and now I love ME for doing this. I am creating the life I want and it feels amazing. Love you, Tama!