


Discover your path to a life where things just click into place with Tama Kieves’ new program: SUMMER OF MIRACLES…

Get access to weekly meet-ups with Tama, awaken ease in every dimension of your life.

SUMMER OF MIRACLES: Creating Flow in Your Life
June 25 - August 13, 2024 | Tuesdays, 8:00pm – 9:30pm(ish) Eastern

7:00pm Central | 6:00pm Mountain | 5:00pm Pacific
Live on Zoom + Recorded!

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Stop Forcing and Start Flowing!

Do you ever feel like you keep pushing but you’re not getting where you want to be? Do your dreams feel stuck or blocked?

It’s time to stop trying so hard. Or choosing from past conditioning that will never take you where you want to go. What if you could learn how to step into your own magnetic power and experience flow in your life? 

Imagine things just clicking into place. Because your life can be full and complex…but it doesn’t have to be hard.

This program is for achievers, maverick thinkers, and freedom seekers. And it will teach you how to create flow in your life — even when you’re experiencing disillusionment or anxiety.

Right now you might be thinking…

  • I’m exhausted and so much still needs to get done!
  • My life feels so inconsistent – sometimes I’m in the flow, and sometimes not at all.
  • I’m an ambitious, driven person – “flow” feels careless, unproductive and risky.

Your Pain is your message to stop forcing.

Because there is a more natural way to succeed. And that’s what SUMMER OF MIRACLES will teach you how to do….in any area of your life.

Read more about this Spiritual Adventure...

In SUMMER OF MIRACLES, we will be using the wisdom teachings of A Course in Miracles, a spiritual path that has helped millions learn how to let go of fear and step into ease..

In this 8-week series, you'll learn how to...

  • Experience great timing, opportunities, and things finally clicking into place.
  • Activate results that are better than your plans
  • Choose miracle-minded responses instead of unconscious scarcity thinking
  • Learn how to connect with infallible direction  and natural confidence
  • Glow with ease… and be the most loving person in the room

It’s a SUMMER OF MIRACLES, baby! Meet with me every week for eight weeks and step into an effortless ease that will stay with you.

AND… every session will be recorded– and if you’re online with us LIVE, you join in interactive discussion, immediate coaching/guidance and you’ll be exploring life-changing techniques with other students, as we (optionally) break up into groups of 3, at times, so that you can receive deeper support and connection. 

If you’ve ever been interested in experiencing the sweeping power of A Course in Miracles and enjoying this material with me– this summer is a great time to do it. 

Read more about this Spiritual Adventure...

Exceptional people know how to co-create
with the forces of higher possibilities

I want you to join your people – smart, fun, conscious, and loving — in this miracle-making sanctuary—an oasis to share and shift anything that’s going on for you — and fill this summer with love.

What Is A Course in Miracles?

Living in love instead of fear!

You may know I’ve taught the life-changing path of A Course in Miracles for decades, and I’m devoted to this awe-inspiring path. A Course in Miracles is a spiritual psychotherapy program that has provided millions of individuals with the tools to return to an experience of their own amazing inner guidance and life’s purpose. It is an inspired practice for those who want to be truly free. When I teach A Course in Miracles, it is a deeply experiential process. It is intimate, courageous, wild, wickedly fun, and amazingly practical. Here is a video where I talk a little more about it:

This program will introduce you to a spirituality that is jalepeño hot.  A practice to activate your inspired superpowers. A radical sense of self-love to move beyond any fear and listen to your Extraordinary Self—and experience the freedom and connection of a lifetime.

YOUR 8-week pilgrimmage includes:

All of these benefits, MIRACLES, and more!

(The 8-week program is just about $18 a week to change the way you experience everything in your life!)



instead of fear

Freedom and ease are a conscious, everyday spiritual adventure. This lifestyle is a reinvention. It’s a wholly new relationship with yourself. It’s the game-changer and what you’ve been waiting for…

Bring on the miracles!

Praise & Kudos

Grateful for the love!

“I can’t wait for the next recording! Tama, I want you to know that I feel so connected to this group. Just the meditation alone had me feel something I hadn’t felt in years. I am getting so much out of each session and really, I just can’t wait, each week to get the next recording from you!” – S. Warren

“I normally take the classes after they are recorded since I’m not available the day of the class.  I am learning how to live a better life and remain grounded in Spirit.  And I am loving your book Thriving through Uncertainty, and so enjoying this gift of you, Tama.” – L. ROBINSON

“I’m so grateful I joined your Course in Miracles class. Last night literally reignited my soul. I was thrilled to see so many people on the screen basking in each other’s brilliance. Not surprisingly, your energy and love come through the screen just as well as it does in person.” – S. WARREN

“Tama, your version of ACIM truly resonates for me. There’s lots of ACIM out there. But I love YOUR delivery and the individual people in your groups!!! I’m glad I held out, instead of settling, and I got what matches me not just down to my bones, but to the toenails too! Woohoo….. Yah! Thank you!!!”- I. JONES

“I can’t believe – no scratch that – I do believe how far I traveled since starting your course just 8 weeks ago. I moved from ‘dare I do this?’ to ‘I am doing this’ —  and now I love ME for doing this. I am creating the life I want and it feels amazing. Love you, Tama!” – J. HANNAH

About Tama Kieves

Tour Guide to Unlimited Potential...

Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with a prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others unlock the extraordinary faculties within them. She’s the best-selling author of Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! and 4 other books. Featured in USA TODAY, the Huffington PostForbes, as well as on ABC NewsOprah Radio, other national media, and a TEDx, speaker, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career/success and book coach, who has helped thousands world-wide in every industry — to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams.

Tama Kives sitting casually in a chair and smiling at the camera wearing a black coat
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