
In This Newsletter

*Feature Article:

YOUR Declaration of Independence

*Feature Program:

SUMMER OF MIRACLES: Creating Flow in Your Life

*FREE Event:

Tama’s Grassroots Gathering: Book Tour Magic

*Feature Weekend Retreat:

Thriving Through Uncertainty With A Course in Miracles at Omega Institute (NY)

*Tama’s Support Menu:

More Inspired Opportunities!

YOUR Declaration of Independence

By Tama Kieves:

(adapted and excerpted from Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in your Life’s Work!)

Ever feel sick of your old thinking?

One year I got really tired of continuing to hold myself back. I was done with my own sad stories about myself. I wanted to break free from fear and step into the wild grace of creating my life with higher powers—allowing myself to know that life is malleable—and that a Loving Intelligence wants more good for me, than even I want for myself. What if I needed to open myself to receiving? I wrote myself a Declaration of Independence for the Free Soul and I encourage you to read this short piece here and open to your good.

My Declaration of Independence for the Free Soul: “I want to break free from holding back my power. I no longer want to live with only my low beams on. I want to shine so unequivocally that others decide to abandon their own shadow choices. I want to break away from the undermining thinking of the “realistic” world—and choose some independent thinking, some firecracker, celebrating, birth-giving thoughts.

As of this very second, I allow myself to be blessed.

I allow myself to be uncorked, unabashed, and showered with delicious-good in every facet of my life.

I don’t need to fit in anymore, in the world of straining, complaining, belittling. I am going nova and that’s okay. I am willing to have things be easeful and brimming with sheer wonder and I am willing to deserve this. None of us “deserve” this. That’s why it’s grace. It’s not about deserving. It’s about allowing Spirit to love and give to us.

My work here doesn’t have to be oppressive. I don’t have to plod uphill anymore, dimming my song, or accepting crumbs and crusts and bowing my head. I can keep my heart wide-open and parade through wide-open doors in a welcoming world.

Spirit, I believe you want every golden circumstance for me.

I believe you want me to experience more joy, connection, generosity, nurturance, and synchronicity than ever before. I believe you want me to know your nature and your nature is not one of limitation or punishment or lack of any kind. I believe there are doorways to your kindness that I haven’t opened yet. There are oceans and skies I couldn’t see because I subscribed to the map of the world. There is honey I’ve never tasted, bounty not of this realm. But I am willing now to let go of the familiar and invite your unimaginable love to heal me.

I am willing to let go of what I think is possible or right or worldly or to be expected—and I am willing to allow you to rampage through me, breathe through me, grace through me, gleam through me, dream through me. I am willing to co-create with you and I am now willing to no longer limit your power with silly, tired thoughts about my own. I am no longer willing to shape your destiny by crunching mine into a little ball of stunted possibilities.

Finally, I am willing to allow myself to be cherished and loved and nourished wherever I go and in whatever I do and it’s not too much to ask for, it is barely enough, because there are so many dimensions of goodness and promise that I have yet to experience. The more I allow myself to receive—the more I can open up to receiving and giving my true love to this world as I have never given it before.”

How about you? What “old country of thinking” would you like to leave? Freedom doesn’t come cheap. Freedom is a leap. This month I invite you to try on some new “firecracker, birth-giving thoughts” of your own. Set yourself free.


Here's my Coaching Practice for you this month:

Think about the “old country of thinking” you have in one area of your life. Now write YOUR Declaration of Independence. Or just some new intentions for your brand new country!

(Quick… email us tell me your first thoughts or intentions for yourself this month.  Sharing IS strengthening! I will hold it with you in love.)

Want more support? Join me for Summer of Miracles: How to Create Flow in Your Life (an 8-week adventure)

With love and fierce support,

Tama's signature

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© 2024 Tama Kieves. All rights reserved. 
TAMA: Honors graduate of Harvard Law School turned mojo career catalyst.
Best-selling author of 
This Time I Dance!: Creating the Work You LoveInspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work!A Year Without Fear: 365 Days of Magnificence, and also Thriving Through Uncertainty.


Do you ever feel like you keep pushing– but you’re not getting where you want to be? Do your dreams feel stuck or blocked? Stop trying so hard! Imagine things just clicking into place. SUMMER OF MIRACLES is an 8-week series that will teach you how to create flow in your life — even when you’re experiencing disillusionment or anxiety.

Get more details here!

Join me for a Weekend Retreat July 19-21 @ OMEGA INSTITUTE, NEW YORK!

Get Out of Your House and Into a Miraculous Experience! Join me for an intimate LIVE WEEKEND RETREAT in upstate New York, just 90 minutes from NYC! It’s time to find your own extraordinary path—through anything.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to spend a weekend with me in a beautiful place, with amazing people – igniting a radical sense of self-love that will help you overcome any uncertainty or fear. Connect to your true strength and powerful direction. Meals included. Join us in walker’s paradise of trails and flowers. Get more details here!

Tama’s Grassroots Gathering: Book Tour Magic!

I have a new book coming out March 2025 called LEARNING TO TRUST YOURSELF – and we are creating a grassroots book tour that is organically created in collaboration with my community – because I know there are powerful people here.  Want to be part of the magic?

 Come to my Zoom gathering on Wednesday, July 31 @ 8pm Eastern and let’s brainstorm ideas for how you might be part of my book tour!

We’re calling all creators, innovators, natural networkers, and anyone who wants to be part of bringing Inspired Possibilities to the world. I hope you’ll come! Sign up here to join us… and if you can’t come to the gathering, please email us and let us know you’re wanting to be involved.

June 25 | Tuesdays @ 8 pm ET + recorded
Summer of Miracles: Creating Flow in Your Life
Get more info here!

July 3 | Wednesday @ 8 pm ET + recorded
The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe
Get more info here! (Join any time!)

July 19-21 | Weekend Retreat at Omega Institute, NY
Thriving Through Uncertainty with A Course in Miracles 
Get more info here!

July 24 | Wednesday @ 8 pm ET + recorded
The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe
Get more info here! (Join any time!)

July 31 | FREE EVENT!
Tama’s Grassroots Gathering: Book Tour Magic!
Get more info here!


October 14-18 | Intensive Retreat at Kripalu Center, MA
Unleash Your Calling: Creating the Work and Life You Love
Get more info here!

December 12-14 | Retreat at Sivananda, Bahamas
Unleash Your Calling: Creating the Work and Life You Love
Get more info here!

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But our community has too much love and too much light to go away. Love ALWAYS prevails. Please click here to go to my page and click the Like/Thumbs Up button at the top of the page to follow (and then leave a comment if you can!)

PLEASE tell your friends. I am here to support you daily with videos, inspiring perspectives, honest shares about the journey, free goodies… all to help you create the life and work you love.  Take 2 seconds to make a difference to both of us… go follow my new page and let the magic begin!


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