In This Newsletter
*Feature Article:
Conquering Doubts on Your Journey
*Feature Program:
Trust Your Power with A Course in Miracles
*Feature Retreat:
Unleash Your Calling: Creating the Work and Life You Love at Kripalu in MA
*Feature Recording:
Tama’s Grassroots Gathering: Book Tour Magic
*Tama’s Support Menu:
More Inspired Opportunities!
By Tama Kieves:
Ever feel like you hear a message just for you?
I was in NYC recently and the scruffy guy next to my table at the bagel coffee house started talking loudly into his phone. Obnoxious, I thought. But then eavesdropping got the better of me—and soon I rode a self-help high. This guy was sent from Casting Central to wake me up. He was my Zen teacher, peak performance coach, and fairy godmother all wrapped in one. This month I want to share this quick lesson with you about the right focus… faith… and how to open to the power of a new future.
He’s a scrawny man with a scrawny mustache but he pulses with energy. “The woman after me won $1008.00 dollars. Do you believe that crap? I should have stayed there with that machine,” he shouts into his cell phone. Then he reveals, “Man, I got frustrated. I just got so irritated, I walked away. Then this blonde lady uses that machine and wins 1008 dollars.”
No, my lesson isn’t about casinos. I’m going to talk to you about the opposite of gambling… the power of optimizing focus. My loud coffee house “messenger” is reminding me to stay with what I set out to do.
I’d been letting doubts start to weaken my focus. I’d been having a rough time believing I am exactly on course, even though “there hasn’t been a payout yet.” Only my quiet belief. My quiet resolve to do the thing in front of me and stay with it. To not bounce out of it, not get yanked out by the part of me that is strung out like a junkie, pacing, impatient, and spooked by everything unless it’s instant gratification.
I am learning how to be present and focused—and to stay with myself… as I stay with my goals. This is mindfulness. This is inner-guided action. This is the opposite of gambling. This is learning how to put the moon back in your own sky and break free from shadows that distort your true capacities.
So, I’ll ask you: Where do you let frustration or fears break your chain of concentration?
Steal your payment. Steal your jackpot. Where may you be walking away from what you really want because of something you tell yourself that isn’t true?
In my coaching business, I’ve seen firsthand how so many give up on themselves too quickly. They stop writing. Give up on meditating or dreaming about the future they desire. An immediate misinterpretation of events coupled with self-recrimination convinces them that “nothing is happening” or “I can’t do this.”
This is what you need to know. If you’re going to stay with something, you are going to meet your triggers.
Your foul-mouthed demons or thunder-stealing con artists. These gatekeepers have bullied you before and kept you from moving forward into new expansive territory.
Triggers are emotional reactions that are hardwired in us. They interrupt our goals. Old beliefs about ourselves flare up. Triggers break the spell. Triggers become a spell of their own taking you into another world and perspective. Triggers jerk us out of what is rightfully ours.
Triggers are those quick perspectives that immediately have us think, feel, or act in a way we might not have chosen if we’d been centered. But we can do better.
We can become conscious.
We can become allies of ourselves.
We can choose how we want to show up in our lives.
We can trust our power, this universe, and our truth.
You can do the real work of creating the life you desire. That work is learning how to face and go beyond your triggers. That work is learning how to keep going forward even when you want to bolt, give up, punch a wall or decide that you are just damned, forever stuck at a certain level, and disappointed in yourself. It’s natural to lose focus. Or courage.
But come back.
Abandon a project or goal if that’s right for you. Just please don’t abandon yourself and your belief in your abilities.
I am learning how to walk past the hothead in myself or my doom prophet.
The hothead “doesn’t need this crap” and starts demanding great outcomes or else. It demands results and misses the chance to have more of them than it could ever imagine. Meanwhile the doom prophet in me cautions against “believing in fairy tales and good outcomes” reasoning it will only make me sad in the end. But the doom prophet keeps me from honoring my soul’s trajectory and accomplishing what is mine to accomplish, and that makes me sad.
I welcome all parts of myself to have a voice. But I will not give them the choice to derail me. A Course in Miracles has taught me how to “choose again.” No matter what is going on, I can choose again. I can choose from the deeper wisdom within me, the part that is connected to Something Larger and Infinitely Loving. This is the secret to right focus and walking into a brand-new future.
So back to my loud friend at the coffee house. He wears a dingy undershirt and a Yankees ball cap. He’s old school New York to the bone. I imagine him being the cartoon version of my ego, the part of me that is opinionated, quick to judge, and slow to buy in to a new way. Suddenly, he turns to me and balks at the “awful” coffee house soundtrack. “Can you believe this music? Give me a break. Give me some Stones. What happened to rock and roll? Welcome to the future, I guess,” he said.
I started to feel bad for him as he called friends on his cell phone. They were super short conversations. “Hey how’s traffic on the LIE brother?” he asked loudly. Soon after he said, “Love you man,” as the call ended. He quickly dialed someone else. Maybe he was lonely. I had this weird sense that he was an “interrupter,” disrupting the flow of people’s everyday lives.
He was stuck in his knee-jerk responses and the past, just one way of seeing that didn’t seem like it would change. Maybe that’s true of my “interrupter,” or inner doubter. I felt a rush of compassion flood me. I felt sad and wanted to hug the loud man with his phone, and I wanted to hug this part of myself, maybe even send it a bouquet of roses.
Still, I will say goodbye to this part of myself, the interrupter, the one who keeps trying to keep me in my past. The one that turns hiccups into hysteria and diverts me from deepening into a new behavior. I will focus on my intention. I am sailing off on a single red boat into the seas of the present moment, following the moonlight, listening to the drumbeat of my truth in the moment. I’m no longer going to listen to the oldies but goodies.
No, I can’t say exactly what will happen. Still, I have a feeling of promise. No, I don’t have total control. But I’m not going to interrupt my focus and deflate myself with a thousand questions. I’m investing in the quiet dignity of my spirit. I’m choosing again. And again. No matter what it takes.
My neighbor got up. Maybe there was no one left to call. He walked back out into the heat of the street. I kind of felt bad for him, and for that part of me.
But it was time to focus and be free.
What is an intention/goal for a new future… you want to stay with this month? What trigger or “interrupter” will you practice walking past?
(Quick… email us tell me your first thoughts or intentions for yourself this month. Sharing IS strengthening! I will hold it with you in love.)
Want more support? Join me for Trust Your Power with A Course in Miracles (an 8-week adventure)
With love and fierce support,
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© 2024 Tama Kieves. All rights reserved.
TAMA: Honors graduate of Harvard Law School turned mojo career catalyst.
Best-selling author of This Time I Dance!: Creating the Work You Love, Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work!, A Year Without Fear: 365 Days of Magnificence, and also Thriving Through Uncertainty.
Do you find yourself doubting yourself—or not trusting that you can create a life of purpose and abundance? Trust is a transformative force that will revolutionize your life. This healing experiential series will help you trust your power—and know exactly what to do. A weekly inspired oasis starting September 17! Enroll now and get a FREE Bonus class on September 10!
UNLEASH YOUR CALLING: Creating the Work and Life You Love is Tama’s BEST retreat all year! Join us at the world-class Kripalu Center in the beautiful and healing Berkshire mountains of MA. Experience breakthroughs, soaring clarity and direction, plus optional yoga classes, spa services, organic gourmet meals & walks in the woods during the beautiful leaf-changing season…
Get the Recording from this inspiring event!
I have a new book coming out March 2025 called LEARNING TO TRUST YOURSELF – and we are creating a grassroots book tour that is organically created in collaboration with my community. GRASSROOTS GATHERING is for all creators, innovators, natural networkers, and anyone who wants to be part of bringing Inspired Possibilities to the world. Go here to get the recording and let us know you’re wanting to be involved.
Get the Recording | FREE EVENT!
Tama’s Grassroots Gathering: Book Tour Magic!
Get more info here!
September 4 | Wednesday @ 8 pm ET + recorded
The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe
Get more info here! (Join any time!)
September 17 | Tuesdays @ 8 pm ET + recorded
Trust Your Power with A Course in Miracles
Get more info here!
September 18 | Wednesday @ 8 pm ET + recorded
The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe
Get more info here! (Join any time!)
October 14-18 | Intensive Retreat at Kripalu Center, MA
Unleash Your Calling: Creating the Work and Life You Love
Get more info here!
December 12-14 | Retreat at Sivananda, Bahamas
Unleash Your Calling: Creating the Work and Life You Love
Get more info here!
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