An Immersive Writing Master Class
with bestselling author tama kieves
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A Masterclass with Bestselling Author Tama Kieves

Writing what you are meant to write changes EVERYTHING.
- Maybe you've always secretly known that you were born to write -- but you're not writing.
- Or maybe you already know the power of your writing genius -- but you're not writing regularly.
- Or maybe you ache to go deeper, push beyond the surface, and tap the creative fire that is truly yours.
Please don’t die with your brilliance in you. Please don’t let time pass you by. Do not deny the world your singular contribution. And most importantly – please do not deny yourself the radical transformation that occurs when you finally write what you—and only you—are meant to write.
BECOMING THE WRITER YOU’RE MEANT TO BE is an immersion in making writing fun, productive, sustainable…and brilliant. Find your voice. Tap into the message that is yours. You are worth this instruction and dedication. Because when you’re writing what you’re meant to write, EVERYTHING in your life makes sense.

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What you can expect from this masterclass
In this 2.5-hour Masterclass with Bestselling Author Tama Kieves, you can expect….
- Getting writing done right now! (Great writing, by the way…)
- Teaching, training, and discussion around blocks, challenges, and the misconceptions that dim your creative power, promise, and effectiveness.
- Expert industry advice and Q&A… Yes! I’ve published 4 books and writing is the dedication of my life. I know this journey, baby! And you will have the opportunity to submit your personal questions to me before class, and I will answer as many of them as possible during class!
- Techniques for crafting exquisite writing – simple yet powerful tools you can use over and over again to step into remarkable powers you didn’t even know you had.
- Guided writing prompts, invitations to take you beyond the surface and touch what you’re really meant to write
- A transformational approach that will help you write (and even share and publish!) in YOUR way.
Yes, Please!
“Thanks to this class, my WRITER self became real to me as a living, breathing, daily BEING….not just a ‘sometimes’. I am grateful.” – C. Jones
Praise & Kudos
Grateful for the love!
“Through tools and support from this workshop, I feel increased permission to both acknowledge this ‘voice’ and receive its expression without judgement. Barriers have been softened. This masterclass was a life line and source of inspiration for me. Many thanks for what you do and the willingness to share it!” – C. THOMPSON
“Thank you for this tremendous Masterclass! Now I understand why my process was so often laborious… because I felt I had to make everything perfect before I moved on to the next sentence. Thank you for the breakthrough! I always enjoy spending time with you and the wonderful tribe of people you attract!” – L. GRAZAN
“Thank you for such a wonderful event. I am renewed from this immersive writing experience. I am amazed at how many topics I can write on when I’m just letting it flow. It just courses through the keyboard like it was all I was ever meant to do in this life. Thank you for the shift and renewed excitement around writing! Really love this path.” – M. MAKLED
“Everything is falling together effortlessly. It’s as if I’ve been ready all along, but something was missing. You supplied it! Overnight, I love my life! I see clearly, effortlessly, what I could be doing with my particular writing talents.” -B. Wrenn
“This is exactly what I needed right now, which I knew that it would be. I am so happy that you’re offering this now, because we can all feel how much the world needs all of our writing!” – L. SIEGEL
“This rocked my world in so many positive ways. Thanks to your class, I finally believe that I am enough to show up and do my work. Thank you for being the Divine’s Conduit for this stage of my journey.” – J. KAPLAN
I can't wait!
About Tama Kieves
Tour Guide to Unlimited Potential...
Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with a prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others unlock the extraordinary faculties within them. She’s the best-selling author of Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! and 4 other books. Featured in USA TODAY, the Huffington Post, Forbes, as well as on ABC News, Oprah Radio, other national media, and a TEDx, speaker, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career/success and book coach, who has helped thousands world-wide in every industry — to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams.