Career and Calling revolution
An Evening of Inspired Transformation
A One-Time $25 Class with Tama Kieves!
LIfe is short. HEre's the quick details:
Get the Recording! (From Thursday, September 30, 2021) Just $25!
Just $25!
YOU HAVE work to do in THIS WORLD!
Are you ready for a revolution?
Maybe you’ve been searching for your brilliant right work for what seems like forever. Or maybe you’re reeling after the fluctuations of 2020. Perhaps you’re newly retired and not sure what’s next. Maybe your soul craves your true expression, your right level, the right use of you, but you don’t see how to get there.
Let’s get there.
You have significant work to do in this world. Or one-of-a-kind gifts, abilities, and love to offer. The Buddha said, “Your life’s work is to find your life’s work.” (Or to live it all the way!) This can be in your current career, a new career, the business of your dreams, or a calling or adventure that isn’t about “career” but is about feeling the most alive you’ve ever felt.
You HAve Love.
You have power.
yOU have a true direction.
It's time for a revolution in our thinking. We’re turning fear into fearlessness -- the kind that comes from clarity and inspired strategy.
This is more than following your bliss. This is following your strength. It’s following your code. It’s awakening to the life you were born for, because no other life will do. It’s following your own instincts and learning how to listen to your own uncanny genius. Often, it’s simple adjustments that shift everything. Because you already have an inspired path inside you…and it’s painful to choose against it.
The CAREER AND CALLING REVOLUTION on September 30 is a one-time event in which Tama Kieves will help you to answer that call. With her signature teaching style of interactive discussion, Q&A (send in your questions!) dismantling fears, and time-tested, practical breakthrough exercises, you’ll get a jolt of inspiration to help you move beyond any false idea that is limiting you. And you can expect to burst through blocks with spontaneous clarity, out-of-the blue solutions, possibilities, and opportunities you never thought of. This is an activation of what’s already in you. Give yourself another chance to have what you really want in your lifetime.
“After countless hours of therapy and thousands of pages reading about healing, Tama, I gotta say YOU finally have given me the tools to shift the old paradigm!” – R.M.
It's Your Time!
And it's the perfect time...

You may have been thinking it’s too late, it’s too hard, or it’s not possible to follow or discover a new direction while paying the bills. But you have your gifts for a reason. And in times of uncertainty, true passion is your greatest security.
Tama Kieves has coached thousands to unleash their calling and create the work and lives they love, and she’s offering this $12 event to help more people get past their fear and create a life of meaning and passion —because it’s time for a revolution. Everyone has a calling. And we are living in times that require us to own our gifts, live from our strength, and thrive.
THE CAREER AND CALLING REVOLUTION isn’t about cookie-cutter advice or a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s not necessarily about leaving your job…it’s about leaving your limitations.
- This event is about finding stellar clarity.
- It's about remembering who you are - when you're inspired.
- It's stepping into your power.
(And think about what you spend on wine and therapy…this is just $25!)
Just $25!
Your Revolution Tour Guide!
Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with a prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others unlock the extraordinary faculties within them. She’s the best-selling author of Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! and 4 other books. Featured in USA TODAY, the Huffington Post, Forbes, as well as on ABC News, Oprah Radio, other national media, and a TEDx, speaker, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career/success and book coach, who has helped thousands world-wide to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams.

Says Tama: “I left the practice of law to undergo the art, practice, and baptism of listening to myself in this lifetime. I walked out of my legal career without a plan, without much savings, without a viable source of income, without anything – all to follow my own inner voice instead of everything I’d been told. I wanted to know in my lifetime: What happens if I trust my own desires instead of deny them?”
A Look at what we'll be exploring together
Come join me in inspired time...
- Focus - Get focused on what you really want, instead of the form you think it is supposed to take - or only what you think you can have.
- Brilliant Solutions - Learn how to "follow breadcrumbs" for your next right step and trust your own inspired path.
- Unleash Possibilities - Learn practical ways to change your thinking & ask yourself the right questions - to come up with your true direction.
- Stellar Community - Meet smart, fun, conscious, loving people who are dedicated to their growth!
- And more!!!!
You'll COME away from this class with a renewed sense of possibility and your own inspired next steps!
If you’re this successful doing work you don’t love, what could you be with something you do love?
Just $25!