Say YES to 3 FREE Days of Inspired Coaching Videos to Create the Life & Work You Love!


A 30-Day Activation of Self-Belief
to Skyrocket Your Success

LIFE is short. here's the QUICK details:

SELF-STUDY FORMAT Recorded from October-November 2022 Virtual Program

Plus 3 Free Months of The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe* (Wow!)

Or keep reading for more details...

Self-Doubt Sucks the life out of you!

Who would you be if you really believed in yourself?

Confidence affects every action you take—or don’t take in this lifetime. Please don’t let any more of YOUR life go by without reclaiming your rocket fuel: the self-belief that makes everything you desire possible.

*Be your unapologetic, undiluted self
*Identify what keeps you small
*Take your next steps full-on
*Walk in a world that is always on your side

Go from doubts to shouts of success: like doing your podcast, changing careers, asking for more money, flaunting that purple bowler, or not freaking out when you’re “in between!” 

And I’m not talking about hyped-up, momentary confidence. This is Quantum Confidence; authentic, sustainable, & soul-led.  

Quantum Confidence: Self-Belief to Skyrocket Your Success is a 30-day dedication and customized journey (+ 3 months of extra support!) to get you experiencing Self-Belief and an Undiluted Confidence that can do damn near anything.

Confidence, here I come!

What's in the program?

A Bundle of Support...on Every Level!

QUANTUM CONFIDENCE is a full system of inspiration that’s designed to be comprehensive yet EASY, so that you can do it NOW, even in the midst of everyday life. Because I want to get you flying NOW, no matter what’s going on in your adorable, crazy life…

You’ll experience:

  • We’ll have four sessions on Zoom for an immersion in one of our four breakthrough topics — it’s a Liberation Zone where I’m going to teach and coach you to get past any block, challenge, or idea that holds you back
  • Be inspired by a community of maverick who are dedicated to living their best lives! (Even if you participate by listening to the recordings – the energy from being part of this exclusive, high-energy group comes through!)
  • Get your weekly infusion of mojo and motivation with a weekly Check-In with encouragement and a suggested exercise for the week.
  • You’ll also be invited to email me …. tell me how it’s going, ask a question, tell me where you’re feeling stuck.  Share what’s resonating, and what’s not. I’ll be incorporating these comments and questions into our classes!
  • You will get DAILY self-coaching prompts in your inbox, for 30 days — each one a gateway to creating an intimate relationship with yourself.
  • These daily activations are designed to help you own your truth, be comfortable in your own skin, and value yourself and discover your own secret code to self-belief.
  • These prompts help you build consistency and momentum in a fun, fresh, practice of self-discovery 

PLUS … The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe for Ongoing Coaching & Community!

Life Tribe Logo

For new members….signing up for QUANTUM CONFIDENCE automatically enrolls you in 3 FREE MONTHS* of support with the Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe. And that’s a BIG WOW. 

While these are two independent programs that function separately, they also blend together for an extraordinary experience!

To enhance your experience in QUANTUM CONFIDENCE, The Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe provides ongoing and continuous mindset training to help you stay committed to your dreams. Enjoy bi-monthly group coaching and the support of a tribe of loving, creative mavericks who are committed to following their inspiration more than their fears. AND you also get direct access to me. Yes! You can ask me questions or share your experiences with QUANTUM CONFIDENCE during Life Tribe gatherings, in our private Facebook group, or even through email in between our meetings.

If you want to stay true to what you really want to do, to feel loved, believed in and supported, and if you’re ready for your dreams to become your reality, the Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe is going to help you get there.

What could you accomplish with continuous inspiring support, encouragement—and time-saving training?

Find out! Don’t let your inspiration fade. STAY INSPIRED. When you’re inspired, you’re unstoppable! You’ll join me for LIVE group coaching calls of 75 minutes twice a month— Wednesday nights—calls start at 8:30p.m ET, for three months for FREE (plus, sessions are recorded for your convenience too!).

You get 3 FREE MONTHS*…it’s built-in momentum for the work you do in THE UNSTOPPABLE WRITER Program

Your Inspired Schedule ...

Skyrocket Your Success!

  • Discover how self-expression leads to self-confidence (not the other way around!).
  • Explore – what if you really could show up as YOU in your work or life?
  • Take back your love and power in easy, practical ways.
  • Identify personal “wells of confidence” that strengthen and expand your abilities.
  • Become self-aware (not reactive) of inner critics/ triggers and give yourself more love, not less.
  • Ditch “Imposter Syndrome” so you can own your brilliance like never before.
  • Examine your conditioning/judgments about confidence – and adopt a humble, empowered state of grace.
  • Practice noticing when your confidence is threatened… and adopt new behaviors to reclaim your mojo!
  • Learn how to make your very best decisions – every single time.
  • Ask for what you need in a loving way.
  • Be undefeated by your past and move with new conviction now.
  • Learn to persist and bounce back from anything.  
  • Cultivate experiences and your own “track record” with a beneficial Universe and the power of love.
  • Let confidence spill over into new areas in your life.
  • Learn to deftly navigate fluctuations and uncertainty.
  • Be open to new people, strategies, and experiences. Go beyond limits, and confidently welcome the unexpected.


to Quantum Confidence!

TAMA KIEVES, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with a prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others unlock the extraordinary faculties within them. She’s the best-selling author of Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! and 4 other books. Featured in USA TODAY, the Huffington PostForbes, as well as on ABC NewsOprah Radio, other national media, and a TEDx, speaker, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career/success and book coach, who has helped thousands world-wide in every industry — to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams.

Tama Kives sitting casually in a chair and smiling at the camera wearing a black coat

Yes! yes! yes!

*A Note About Your Free Three Months: Please note that when you register for this program you are also enrolled in the Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe. For the first three months, there is no charge to you….so enjoy your experience in the Tribe! If you wish to continue in the Inspired & Unstoppable Life Tribe after the initial 3 free months, you don’t need to do anything; you’ll automatically be re-enrolled and will be charged every 90 days (it’s just $99 for 3 full months of continuous support!) If you wish to cancel, you can do so at any time during your free 3 months. You can read our cancellation policy here.

Praise & Kudos

Grateful for the love!

“I’m so glad I made the investment in myself by signing up for this program! I can’t tell you how much this course is helping me… I have shifted in leaps and bounds, in just three weeks!  I’ve already experienced so many shifts and new perspectives that have helped lighten my mental load. LOVE IT, LOVE IT, LOVE IT….AND YOU!” – L. BALDWIN”

“This was one of the most beneficial courses I have ever taken. I feel empowered to proceed and see what happens. I will never know if I don’t give them a shot. I do know now that I can do this. Thank You for all you do and for showing me a different way. Life is good!” – K. SMITH

“It’s so great to be working with you in this program. I’ve already been moving some mountains in my world.” – K. MCLAUGHLIN

The remarkable result is how PRODUCTIVE I’ve been! In the past week, I’ve done all this tedious backend work on my website & online systems that I’ve had on my list to do for a YEAR. I’m definitely seeing the immediate results.” – K. HERMANSON

“Could you please be less profound? Like maybe drop about 75% less wisdom on us each week? I’m really tired of stopping the recording every 20-30 seconds to write down the genius things you say.” – J. ANGEL

“Thank you for another amazing lesson. I feel like you have touched on all my issues – fear of judgement, fear of imperfection, imposter syndrome – it has been very enlightening, lol! ” – L. SIEGEL

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Say YES to 3 FREE Days of Inspired Coaching Videos to Create the Life & Work You Love!