Re-Ignite Your Mojo!
LIfe is short. HEre's the quick details:
Get the Recording from Thursday, March 21, 2024
Yes, it's Free...and priceless!
I’m Tama Kieves, former Harvard lawyer turned Inspired Visionary – and I’m here to champion your strength and wildest dreams. (Learn more about Tama, here…)
You might be feeling stuck, blah, or like your life should have taken off 10 years ago.
Don’t worry, Darling. Your Zing is just around the corner.
I want to take you on a healing journey and teach you the #1 Way to Re-ignite Your Mojo and fall in love with your life right now. In SPRING ZING: Re-ignite Your Mojo, we’re gathering conscious, loving, smart, electric people (like YOU) who are willing to create their best lives ever.
Flowers are about to break through the earth and it’s time for you to break through anything holding you back. Let’s kick up the energy and welcome the possibilities that are waiting for you.
Using some of my best coaching techniques, dynamic discussion, guided meditation, breakthrough exercises, and in-the-moment Q&A, this is your chance to hang out LIVE and shift — in a sacred container for new beginnings.
In this FREE online event, you’ll experience:
- A blast of New Energy
- A bounce of New Perspective & insight
- An invitation to Begin Again
- Oodles of compassion for yourself
- New out-of-the blue possibilities
- And FUN!

Let’s welcome Spring with a blast of New Energy and Love.
“Tama Kieves remains one of my very FAVORITE spiritual, inspirational, hysterical, profoundly wise miracle-workers on this planet! I always find her practical guidance is immediately usable. She is infused with awe-inspiring clarity, wisdom, and authentic love. I’m buzzing again!” – M. RAYNE
About Tama Kieves
Tour Guide to Unlimited Potential...
Tama Kieves, an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, left her law practice with a prestigious corporate law firm to write and help others unlock the extraordinary faculties within them. She’s the best-selling author of Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work! and 4 other books. Featured in USA TODAY, the Huffington Post, Forbes, as well as on ABC News, Oprah Radio, other national media, and a TEDx, speaker, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career/success and book coach, who has helped thousands world-wide in every industry — to discover, launch, and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams.

With her signature teaching style of interactive discussion, Q&A (send in your questions!) dismantling fears, and time-tested, practical breakthrough exercises, you can expect things like:
- Wicked humor & raucous laughter
- Smart, spitfire spirituality
- Tireless championing and fierce encouragement
- Grounded practicality with a touch of magic
- A sacred space held with love and leadership
- Expert advice & nothing's-off-limits coaching
- The power of seeing your own unlimited potential through her eyes!
It’s time to re-ignite your Mojo!
And why not invite your friends, co-workers, family, massage therapist, yoga teacher…
It's your time!