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Everything Is A Miracle: 3 Techniques to Create Inner Peace

Picture of a forest in rainbow colors with the text "know this: your path is magical"

“You can live as though nothing is a miracle. Or as if everything is a miracle.”  — Albert Einstein

What does it mean to live as if everything is a miracle?  It means to dare to experience how loved you are. It means take a damn chance. Find your language. Chase goosebumps, visions, mala beads or hawk feathers upon the trail.  It means to dive into your own intimate relationship with the Presence, the tenderness in between the broken moments, the nudges, the coincidences, and uncanny, joyous juxtapositions. 

Here are three ways to create inner peace and open the door to more miracles, more often:

1. Believe in Something….Anything!

No matter where you start, you can develop an elegant bond with your own mysterious powers.  And it’s worth every awkward silence, coarse granule of distrust, or feeling of disconnection.

You don’t have to have a religion or a robe. You might believe in God or you might believe in pixies. You might subscribe to an Unseen Good or a higher dimension of the neuropathways of the Mind. I’m not here to tell you what to believe. I am here to tell you, to believe in Something, even if you wobble.

Cultivate an inspired connection.

This sacred intelligence will move you through every patch of uncertainty and expand every dimension of your life.

2.  Expand Your Definition of a Miracle

The language of spirit is exquisitely personal. Miracles show up in a way that is just for us.  It’s a signature feeling. It makes us feel known.

One summer I went home to New York and spent some time with my mother who had just turned 80. She weighed no more than a graham cracker. She was tired. She didn’t even want to eat at Red Lobster, her favorite restaurant. I couldn’t help but observe her shedding her enthusiasms for life. Her conversation, world, and size seemed to shrink every time I blinked my eyes. I wanted it to stop. I felt as though she was dying in front of me— in slow motion. 

On my last day of my visit with her, I felt helpless saying goodbye, knowing I can’t hold back the tide of time. I was also exhausted, having zip-locked all of my emotions inside myself, so that I could show up as my mother’s bright and resourceful daughter, the one who can tap dance on a pin head, and never stumble or weep. I felt heavy knowing I faced a long train ride to Grand Central Station, where I’d then have to wait 90 minutes for a shuttle ride to the airport.

For some stupid reason, those 90 minutes make me feel even more helpless. It’s not enough time to see more of New York City as I’d hoped or go shopping as I’d really wanted to do while here. Those 90 minutes feel like some vestiges of yarn. You can’t knit a blanket or even a cap with them, but you don’t want to throw them away.

Cursing the 90 minutes, I walked off the train to a the familiar view of street vendors selling leather goods, tee shirts, sunglasses and other items. But as I walked, I could see that there was no end in sight, that the vendors spanned for miles with every kind of ethnic food, designer cosmetics, silver jewelry, leather goods, all available for discounted prices.

There it was at my feet: fantastic people watching, endless cheap Italian, Indian, Thai, and Halaal food, live music, and the Chrysler building towering and winking at me like some urban genii granting my commercial indulgences. I asked a large Italian man selling rock music tee shirts if this street fair took place in this location every Sunday. “No,” he said. “It’s special today. Only now.” I felt as though one hundred doves burst out of my tight rib cage.  He might as well have said, “No, the Beloved did this just for you.”

Yes, I understand that not everyone will look upon this as a miracle. But that’s the thing about having a relationship with an Infinite Friend.  Miracles show up just for you.

3. Listen – and Play with – Your Inner Voice

I’ve spent over 20 years learning how to listen to my Inner Voice and follow it past every statistic, convention, or limit.  The more your cultivate a relationship with my your inner voice, the more you’ll step into a precious, responsive life of abundantly answered prayer.

When I’m connected to my inner voice, I often feel as though I’m walking with an Unseen Friend, a playful, quirky, Mojo-powered force that infuses my life with meaning and tenderness, even on the days when the rain just won’t quit. 

Want to create inner peace? Go ahead, play with this. Ask the Sacred Friend or the Beloved One, or your Inner Teacher to join you, guide you and help you open to the love that surrounds you. If it helps, “pretend” that you’re held dear and guided and see what you notice in your experience when you do so.


When you live every day as if it were a miracle, you step into a precious, responsive life of inner peace and abundantly answered prayer. You dive into your own intimate relationship with the Presence, the tenderness in between the broken moments, the nudges, the coincidences, and uncanny, joyous juxtapositions. 

You dare to experience how loved you are.


Picture of Tama Kieves

Tama Kieves

Tama Kieves is an honors’ graduate of Harvard Law School who left the practice of law to write and help others create their most extraordinary lives. She is the bestselling author of numerous books and her latest is Thriving Through Uncertainty. Featured in USA Today and on Oprah radio, she is a sought-after speaker and visionary career and success mindset coach, who has helped thousands world-wide to discover and thrive in the life, calling and businesses of their dreams. Go here to get 3 Free Days of inspired coaching videos to create the work and life you love!

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March 13 | Thursday @ 7pm CT

CHICAGO:  Creating the Life You Love with A Course in Miracles

Free Talk at The Theosophical Society

Meditation, Discussion, Q&A and Book Signing.

Imagine waking up each day with a sense of purpose and happiness, having cultivated a life and work that reflects your highest values and greatest potential. Many people yearn for this sense of fulfillment but feel disconnected from the possibility of manifesting such a life. But what if you could align your work and life with your soul’s highest purpose? A Course in Miracles (ACIM) offers profound insights and tools for creating the life and work you truly love. ACIM is a spiritual study that teaches a path of listening to the Inspired Presence within you, transforming limiting perceptions, and igniting a strength far greater than you can imagine.  By learning how to shift our ordinary thinking patterns, trusting our uncanny inner wisdom, and choosing love over fear, we can transform every area of our lives, including our work.

If you’ve never studied A Course in Miracles or if you’re a lifelong student, join us for this one night only powerful evening.