career transformation
"Wild success is the feeling that you are
doing the right thing with your time on earth."
~ Tama Kieves
career transition
Why deny your Rock Star Heart?
It’s Sunday night, and maybe you’re feeling heavy–hearted getting ready to face a job that feels forced or dull. You know it’s not your true expression. Or maybe you’re in a career transition you didn’t expect. Maybe you’re asking…can I really find work that ignites my soul AND pays the bills? Is that a pipedream? And how would I even start or stay with it? I’ll ask you this: If you’re this successful doing work you don’t love, what could you do with work you do love?
Because YOU
are big!
If you're in career transition, take this in:
A secret rattles your core. Some outlawed prayer for autonomy, mercy or meaning. And every day you try to put a nice doily over your longing and just go on ignoring yourself like always. Only lately you feel like you’re arm-wrestling with a puma just to stay in control and not think those terrifying thoughts about changing your career. No offense, but I’m rooting for the puma. I’m all for the fierce love within you that will not let you settle for rationalization when a life of inspiration calls…
book excerpt from: This Time I Dance! Creating the Work You Love
“Tama, I’m so glad to have found you! You are like no one I have ever known! You talk about the real stuff that happens on your way to success.” – B. WISNIEWSKI
Life Purpose/ Calling
You were born for this!
Maybe you ache to have that feeling “for this I came.” But maybe you have no idea what you’d even like to do. Or you have no idea how to create just one life from the ten thousand interests you do have. Or maybe you already know exactly what you desire, but you just can’t see a way past your doubts, baggage, and obstacles. Oh honey, you so have a way! This is a grand transcendent adventure with your name on it!

If you are looking for your life purpose/calling, here's some juice:
Perhaps you feel drawn to weave or teach cooking classes, start that beloved bookstore, or write that software program or screenplay that gleams in the backcountry of your mind like lightning bugs or shooting stars on ink-black summer nights. But then there’s the mortgage, the tuition, the Toyota payments, the Visa bills, your age and erratic or esoteric education, and on and on.
Suddenly it doesn’t seem sane to go chasing after lightning bugs when the burdens of reality loom before you like granite mountains and all you have in your pocket are fleeting wishes, falling stars, and tiny wooden pickaxes. But you have other pockets. And other powers.
It’s easy to “see” ourselves as trapped when we listen to fear instead of inspiration. But through the unlimited energy of inspiration, we possess enough furious love and holy, glowing creativity to realize any dream. Any dream. Yet most of us walk as secrets even to excerpt from: This Time I Dance! Creating the Work You Love
“Of all the people I have worked with, workshops I have taken and books I have read, you have helped me find happiness and live my dream more than anyone else.” – S. DEWEESE
Wild Career Success
You Have an Inspired Way to Succeed!
Some days you know you dream big because you are big. Other days you might be freaking out. What am I doing wrong? you wonder. Why am I limping when others are soaring, cashing checks, making a name for themselves, and using their gifts to their full abilities? And maybe you feel overwhelmed by all the drudgery you think you need to do to get ahead. Yet what if you have another way to succeed? And what if everything you think you need to do to succeed–is actually what’s in the way of your success? It is. You have a rebel brilliance….
If you're craving wild career success, consider this:
I don’t know about you, but I’ve never gotten that much from the “8 easy steps”… They made things sound so simple that even a garden-variety moron could have an Internet business and be a billionaire by Tuesday. Me, I’d still be groping through my days, wondering how I could have graduated from Harvard Law School and yet be flunking “easy” self-help programs. Turns out, I didn’t thrive on “simple, practical advice” because intelligence is complex, and I’m a thinking, feeling, developing human being—not a robot. Go figure…
Yet if you stay connected to your desires and shift your innermost thinking, then you will take actions like nobody’s business, inspired actions that seem to fall directly out of the sky. You will naturally outpace anything any expert could ever tell you. You don’t need the steps--when you have the moves. Now that sounds practical to excerpt from: Inspired & Unstoppable: Wildly Succeeding in Your Life’s Work!
“Tama, you’ve encouraged me to follow my own intuition & organic process vs. a cookie cutter model for success. I am honored to consider you a mentor in this new way of navigating my life.” – D. PUODZINAS
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