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Tama Kieves

Picture of a dancer in passe with arms spread up from the body

Quick Inspiration Tricks When You’ve
Lost Your Mojo

A factory outputs identical pieces of plastic merchandise, no matter what. But you are “operationally challenged” –for you are made of conscious bold choices, moods, and miracles. A mechanical life requires output, form, and results measured down to the chin hair of the decimal point. An organic life is natural. It’s blemished and mythic. You

Quick Inspiration Tricks When You’ve
Lost Your Mojo
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Image of a red glowing hand reaching out through an deep blue frame

3 Self-Care Practices to Help with Burnout & Rediscover Your Creativity

A whirlwind Western world worships productivity, as defined by how much we “get done.” But I’d love to see you become “undone” with joy. Because let me assure you of this: Learning how to be unabashedly alive is a very productive goal. It’s so easy to lose touch with your nimble, true self when you

3 Self-Care Practices to Help with Burnout & Rediscover Your Creativity Read More »

Picture of white and yellow orchids on a blue background

How to Get Inspired and Beckon Your Extraordinary Life

Believe me, I know about inspired space. I work in this realm with others. I’ve been leading retreats in nurturing, scenic places for years. I am the one who encourages others to let go and trust the process. Participants arrive tired, excited, and some slightly frightened with faces white as goat cheese. I sometimes wonder

How to Get Inspired and Beckon Your Extraordinary Life Read More »

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